04 August, 2009

Work Rant!

So today I got pretty close to turning unemployed. I mentioned this in a previous entry, but I feel like it should be said once more: at the moment I don't perceive my job as anything other than a means for me to pay my bills and you know, afford my life in general on my own, without having to resort to other sources of money like, oh say, my parents. And that's fine to me. I don't really feel any kind of compromise or attachment to my work. And I'm not stupid, I know that my employers expect me to be all "Yay! I love my job!", and I do put up a pretty good front, but today was just one of those days that almost had be go "Fuck this shit!" and walk out.

Luckily, I have enough self-restraint not to let my impulses get the best of me; but still, the fact remains that today I felt really exploited at my job. They basically had me working 'till just about an hour ago, because there was this big thing that needed to be done and I had to be there in order for it to be carried about, and to me that sounds totally bullshitty because, c'mon, am I really that indispensable?

There isn't much responsibility involved in my position. There are some things that I have to do and that I'm good at that are the reason why I have the job that I have, but they're all stuff that can be done, and that is done within the regular nine-to-five schedule. What they had me do today not only forced me to stay overtime, but it is also not at all one of my responsibilities. It is not something that I have to take care of! It isn't even something that I know much of, for crying out loud! That being said, it was a pretty simple thing, but it was repetitive and tiresome, and it's something that anyone else could have done, so right now I feel like this got dumped on me because whoever got this assignment didn't really want to do it.

Now, I'm not going to quit my job over this, even though I did get pretty close to just walking out, but no. I'm just going to take a deep breath, shake this feeling of annoyance off and go back to work tomorrow, because, again, I'm just doing this right now because I need the money; this isn't my career choice, it's just a source of income. And I'll do it hoping that what happened today will just be an isolated occurrence that isn't bound to repeat itself.

If it does, however, I'll quit. It's not even that they're not paying me enough to do that shit. It's simply that they're not paying me to do that shit!


Southern Substance said...

I'm with you!

I'm literally the bottom of the food chain at my job and I often (daily) get things dumped on me that someone else could easily do...they just dont want to. What makes me want to walk out is when I wander over to their desk to turn it in and they're yapping away on their cell phone to friends and family or hanging out at someone elses' desk. When it was dumped on me...it was something that HAD to be done or the world would end and they were tooooo busy with something else to do. Well...if it's that important...wouldn't you check in from time to time to see how it is progressing? Of course not...

There have been times when I'm packing up (literally...purse on shoulder) to walk out the door and someone rushes over with something that HAS to be done BEFORE I leave. I then watch them walk out of the door to head home for the evening and I stay for 3 or 4 more hours doing some tedious task that was put off all day. Yay.

What keeps me going? Knowing that one day I'll be the boss. I won't return the favor though... :)

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