03 August, 2009

Unemployed Graduate Sues College

NEW YORK (AFP) - A US student who recently graduated from New York's Monroe College said Monday she had filed a complaint with the school accusing it of being responsible for her inability to find work.

Trina Thompson, 27, who graduated with a degree in information technology in April at the school in northern Manhattan's Bronx district, asked the state supreme court to award her 70,000 dollars to reimburse the tuition costs.

The former student said she had been unable to find employment to support herself since graduation.

"I need full-time job placement and that's what they said they were going to help me with and they didn't," Thompson told NY1 television.

"The IT career counselor sent me about three emails saying 'Oh, I have this job opening, you should apply for it.' That's it."

A Monroe College spokesman said the lawsuit was "completely without merit."

Honestly? That's one giant act of desperation right there. Seriously, it's pretty pathetic. I've heard of people who blame their financial troubles on W, on Obama, on illegal immigrants, on the War on Terror, on Wallstreet, on the Banks, even on Europe and Asia. But this has got to be the first time for me that I find a person with the nerve to blame their situation on their education, and the institution that provided it for them.

To me it feels very ungrateful, because first of all, your ability to find a job depends solely on yourself, degree or no degree. And second, her school has absolutely no obligation whatsoever with her after graduation (yet, they were still trying to help her somehow, which is nice, really, and all they got was a slap in the face).

Seriously. Instead of wasting time filing lawsuits she should be filling résumés. This girl needs a reality check.

You can find the original article here.


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