09 August, 2009

Greek woman sets man's penis on fire!

A 26-year-old woman is being hailed as a national hero after belying the conventional wisdom that revenge is a dish best served cold.

The unidentified female from the Mediterranean island of Crete set fire to a drunk 23-year-old Briton's genitals after he allegedly tried to sexually assault her in a crowded bar, London's Daily Telegraph reports. She earned further accolades from her countrymen for turning herself over to the police following the incident.

According to a police report, the intoxicated party-goer had taken down his pants and was waving his genitals at women in the bar. He then "forcefully fondled" the 26-year-old woman and asked her to take hold of his genitals.

She responded by soaking his genitals in a liquor. When this failed to cool off his advances, she reportedly grabbed a lighter and set his nether-region on fire.

The alleged sex assailant is hospitalized with what the Telegraph describes as "considerable damage" to his penis and testicles.

The woman will face a magistrate this week to determine if her case will go to court. She asserts she acted in her "right to self-defense." A magistrate and prosecutor both agreed to let her free remain free pending a trial, a possible sign they agree with her self-defense claim.

The incident, the police report says, took place in Mallia, a spot notorious for attracting young Britons eager to turn the seaside resort into their own 24-7 Bachanal.

First of all, let me start by saying that the guy totally deserves it. It doesn't matter how drunk you are; if you harass a woman by flaunting your junk around, you most likely deserve whatever you're getting.

That being said, I can't help but feel sorry for the guy. I mean, Damn! Talk about karmic punishment!

Now the girl is facing charges and whatnot, but honestly, she shouldn't go to jail for this. That girl is a fucking hero as far as I'm concerned, and this should serve as lesson to all drunken fratboys all over the world. Next time you might wanna think it over before deciding to act like a douchey rapist at a bar, because you might just get your schlong burned off.

Read the original article here.


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