27 July, 2009

And now, ladies and gentlemen...

I wonder if anyone will ever get to read this. I wonder if anyone will stumble upon this blog and say "Hhhmmm... there goes another douche-y guy without a life trying to make himself feel important on the internet". Oh well. Can't say I haven't found myself on that particular end of the spectrum more than once, and for that very reason doing this right now makes me feel a bit... hypocritical... yeah... sigh.

But you know what? Sometimes, you just have to say "Shove it!". Today I decided that I was gonna give this a chance. Today I decided that I'm gonna take my brain and barf all of its contents for the entire world to see. Perhaps I'll get a few laughs, or perhaps (and most likely) I'll get a few stares and frowns and maybe even a trollish comment or two. And maybe, just maybe (a really big maybe) I'll get one of you to go "Wow, this guy is actually interesting!". I know, that's probably just a glorified wet dream, but hey! A guy is allowed to have some aspirations, no matter how sad and pathetic they may seem...

Yeah... This is starting to sound kind of self-deprecating, so I'm gonna stop doing that. Pity-partying is not funny or enticing in any way, neither for you nor myself. Don't you hate it when people do that? Like "oh yeah, poor me, my life sucks". Because, well, if you have time to blindly spend time sitting in front of a computer screen, chances are you're better off than many, many people, like, for instance, famish kids in the middle of Africa or any one among the millions of people that have caught the Swine Flu (or AH1N1, as some politicians and the pork industry wants us to call it. LOL! Good luck with that!) . So yeah, when you think your life sucks, remind yourself of all the people out there than don't even have resources, time, or even the energy to allow themselves to imagine what it would be like to be typing words for a blog, or reading said blog, as opposed to wondering how the hell are they going to eat tonight, or tomorrow, or the day after that.

Remember, life doesn't suck as much as you think it does. You just don't know that yet because there's still much of the world that's left for you to see.

Soooo... if you're reading this and got to this part, you're probably asking yourself why in hell do I ramble so much because I went from self-deprecating behavior to a pandemic to third-world problems. Well... I don't know. Take it or leave it (You'll probably leave it...). If you do decide to stick around, however, know that this is probably how it's going to be. Why? Because that's how I am. I have the attention span of a fly, and... I kind of like that. Keeps me from getting bored, and if you can appreciate that, it might keep you from getting bored too.

So... I think that's it for now. Writing this was fun! Kind of therapeutic. So I'll try to stick to it. Wish me luck (or not - I'll make my own luck! - movie quote FTW...? No...? Okay....).


william2233 said...

Just dropping by and saying hi.

Found thru blog catalog

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